Don Higgins
(217) 273-2825

There is likely not another whitetail consultant anywhere that can match Don’s resume as a whitetail land manager, success as a whitetail bowhunter, or the success of his past consulting clients. This combination of factors has made Don the most sought-after consultant in business today, bringing in more requests for his services than he can possibly handle by himself.

For nearly two decades Don owned a business as a conservation contractor where he planted literally millions of trees and shrubs on wildlife habitat projects as well as thousands of acres of native warm-season grasses. He owned a tree nursery where he grew both potted trees in greenhouses as well as field-grown trees for digging and burlapping. He owned a captive herd of research whitetails for 25 years where his studies focused on nutrition and genetics. He founded and is still the majority owner of Real World Wildlife Products, a company specializing in food-plot seed blends and deer nutrition products. As you can see, when Don visits a property for a consulting tour, he comes armed with a wealth of knowledge and experience to make any property the very best that it can be.

Each consultant’s base fee can vary based on several factors such as acreage, location, etc. Be sure to ask for an exact quote when you discuss your property with the consultant. Your actual fee may be more or less than the listed base fee.


For help selecting the consultant whose strengths best fits your property and situation, please contact Don Higgins via email with a brief description of your property and goals – Don will then suggest the best one or two consultants for your property.

Base Fee: $10,000.00

Don offers significant discounts off his typical base fee for smaller properties and for properties that are closer to his home. Email Don to get a quote for him to consult on your property.