Wes Delks

At the age of twelve, Wes Delks, received a trail camera for Christmas that he promptly put out and checked the very next day! To his surprise there were two young bucks fighting in front of the camera and a fire was lit for whitetails that burns hotter with each passing day. 

Throughout his whitetail pursuits, Wes has raised captive deer, received his degree from Purdue University in Wildlife Management, performed third-party food plot side-by-side trials, and has written articles published in various hunting and outdoor magazines. Wes is currently the general manager and co-owner of Real World Wildlife Products. 

Wes has been blessed to hunt and manage properties alongside Don Higgins for many years. You will hear Wes say that his education from “Higgins University” is the most valuable education he has. Wes truly considers Don to be the best whitetail hunter in the world and is very grateful for the opportunity to study so closely underneath him. 

Wes and his wife Madison purchased a farm that lays out similarly to the Higgins farm where they are diligently working to build “Higgins 2.0”. In the winter, Wes travels the country for Higgins Outdoors, consulting on farms, and showing other landowners how to turn their properties into whitetails meccas as well. 

Faith and family are most important in the Delk’s household, but whitetails follow closely after! Any chance Wes gets to share about his Savior, Jesus Christ he always takes the opportunity.

Each consultant’s base fee can vary based on several factors such as acreage, location, etc. Be sure to ask for an exact quote when you discuss your property with the consultant. Your actual fee may be more or less than the listed base fee.


For help selecting the consultant whose strengths best fits your property and situation, please contact Don Higgins via email with a brief description of your property and goals – don@higginsoutdoors.com Don will then suggest the best one or two consultants for your property.

Base Fee: $3,000

To contact Wes directly, email wes@realworldwildlifeproducts.com or call (765) 414-9046