Smokey – From 2-Year Old to 200″

This story actually begins back in 2004 when I shot a buck scoring 214” that quickly became surrounded in controversy. After shooting the buck I was accused of wrong-doing and had the buck confiscated despite the fact that I shot him 100% legally. To make a long story short, I had to hire an attorney […]
Is This For Real??!!

It is slowly starting to sink in now. After tagging my two target bucks on back-to-back hunts in mid-October the rarity of the accomplishment is slowly starting to hit home. For any bowhunter to kill two bucks of this caliber in the same hunting season would be a tremendous feat. To do it on back-to-back […]
Extreme Stand Access

I dont think it is any secret among successful big buck hunters that stand access is extremely important. You could have a stand located in what you think is the best spot in the woods but if you cannot access it without being detected by deer then the location is pretty much worthless for hunting […]
Drawing the Line

Yesterday I did something that I have never done before as a deer hunter. I hauled several 250-gallon totes of water and emptied them into the last remaining waterhole in the creek that runs through one of my hunting properties. This year’s drought in my local area has this creek drier than in was during […]
The End of an Era

Roughly 25 years ago my whitetail passion led me to acquire a small herd of captive whitetails. My goal at that time was simply to learn as much as possible about whitetail deer in an effort to become the best deer hunter that I could possibly be. Yesterday I hauled off the last 4 captive […]
Age Over Score? Yeah Right!

I hear various versions of it all the time from fellow deer hunters – “age over score”. Yeah right! I am not buying it for a second. 99.9% of all deer hunters are going to shoot the largest antlered buck they can no matter how old it is. That’s just a fact, no matter how […]
Trump Returns!

I have been very surprised at how many people have told me they enjoyed following my blog posts last year about a buck I am chasing that I named Trump. It seems like I am always being asked when I am writing my next “Trump blog”. Well to be honest, the reason I haven’t written […]
Understanding Antler Growth

I see it every year, someone posts a trail camera photo of a buck in velvet early in the summer and hunters start throwing out opinions on how much more antler the buck will grow before fall. The common idea is that a bucks antlers will continue to grow until about mid to late August […]
Hunting One Specific Buck

As we mature as deer hunters we all go through various stages, each of us starting as a green beginner. Then with success comes the desire to shoot bigger bucks so we raise the bar and start seeking something more. For me personally, I remember those first seasons when any deer would do, even a […]
Trail Camera Season Starts in 3 .. 2 …1 ..

In my opinion trail cameras have had a bigger impact on hunting success than anything that has come along since I started chasing whitetails back in the 1970s. They allow deer hunters to scout multiple properties at once, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Without a doubt, trail cameras have helped put me in […]