Trump Wins!

The giant 6 1/2 year old buck I named Trump got the best of me last season. I expected it really. In fact in reviewing my previous blog posts about my quest for Trump I noticed something interesting. In my first blog on this topic I gave myself a “less than 25%” chance of tagging […]
Food Plotters Beware!

The sight of a giant buck standing in a lush green food plot during daylight hours is one that many hunters dream of. It is this dream that causes many of us to spend countless hours and way more money than we should planting and caring for our food plots each year. In fact, this […]
The Lakosky Incident

I have spent the last few days visiting properties across the Midwest as part of my consulting service and thus have not been connected with social media. Last night I logged onto facebook for the first time in a few days to find numerous posts and messages regarding hunting celebrity Lee Lakosky who was apparently […]
Are Aerial Photos Over-Rated by Deer Hunters?

I just returned from visiting a property for a client in Indiana. As I always do, I studied an aerial photo of the property before the visit to get a better idea of how the property lays out. Besides looking at aerial maps, I also always ask a series of questions before my consulting visits to […]
Should We Cull Yearling Bucks?

I bet the title of this article surely will fire up a boat-load of internet experts .. and that was the intent. My previous blog entry titled “Which Buck Should I Shoot?” brought them out of the woodwork and had them spewing more knowledge than one of average cerebral capacity could possibly consume and contain. […]
Extreme Whitetail Management

There are a lot of deer hunters “managing” properties for better deer hunting. For many this means little more than shooting some does and the biggest buck on the property every year while letting the younger bucks grow up. There is nothing wrong with that approach if the herd can stand to have some does harvested. […]
Can We REALLY Age Bucks from Photos?

You can hardly get on the internet during hunting season without seeing a photo of a whitetail buck someone has posted with the question, “How old is he?” Whats amusing is that some hunters really think they can accurately age bucks based off of photos. Even the QDMA has gotten in on the action by showing photos […]
The Worst is Yet to Come!

I think by now even the most ardent Illinois DNR supporter knows that the Illinois deer herd has dwindled. Even non-hunters recognize the Illinois deer herd is but a fraction of what it once was, and that is in terms of “quantity”. The battle for the “quality” of the deer has already been lost although […]
Trump Makes an Appearance

My quest to tag a 6 1/2 year old buck named Trump has proven to be quite a challenge. The story has garnered a lot of interest as I regularly get asked about “Trump” and questioned about when I will be writing my next update. Well here it is. To quickly recap for those who […]
Is This Years Weird Rut Signaling a Rough Winter?

Over my more than half a century on this planet I have seen Mother Nature do things to take care of her own that simply could not be explained away. For example, I have noticed that in the fall preceding bad winters, the bur oak trees on our farm would be loaded with acorns. It […]